Tribute to Norman Plowman

The best gifts come in small packages. Norman was small in stature but strong in spirit, serving his Lord. We loved his voice, both what he said and how he said it. Perhaps his most memorable words were the oft-quoted; “Unity in things essential, liberty in things...

The ABC of Christian Living

Paul has written 3/4 of the letter to the Romans telling us what God has done for us. What is that, which comes before the “therefore” of 12:1? Could you summarise it? John 3:16 might serve. Paul might quote Rom. 5:8 “God showed His great love for us by...

Prayer Week (Online) January 2021

Each evening at 8:00pm on Monday 18th  January – Friday 22nd  January there will be people praying online. Get in touch if you need the Zoom login details. This is only a guide for the purpose of having points to unify around at a specific time in prayer. This should...

What do you THINK?

We have been directed to read Romans 12-15:6 and to think how this scripture might apply to the new constraints placed upon our meetings for worship and discipleship. We wish to “approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect...